Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue

Reprofiling the neck

The profile on the Telecaster neck was a chunky C, the Les Paul has a flatter D profile. We took micrometer measurements of the Les Paul neck at frets 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14. The measurements were transferred to the Tele neck. The back of the neck was reworked until the correct profile was exactly the same as the Les Paul. The headstock and heel were blended in perfectly retaining the original stepped shapes.

Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel
Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel
Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel

Finishing and reassembly

After final shaping and sanding, the back of the neck where it was reworked, was re-lacquered in light tinted nitro. This was buffed to a smooth satin sheen which gives a superior feel.

Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel
Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel
Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel
Neck reprofile on a Fender '72 Deluxe reissue © 2025 Guitar Angel